Update on website !!!!

I have created a generator for blogs that I am impressed with, it generates all the pages from a posts folder. I have also bought a domain at uthmn.com.

Problems with DNS

When setting up this domain, I was having problems with DNS, it turns out I was doing everything right but I stuipidly didn't read the errors github pages were giving me and I struggled to get anything working, but when I read it it turned out I had an A record for the www subdomain when I should have used a CNAME record. For context, domains make the internet easier, so instead of typing an specific ip like, you just need to type youtube.com or amazon.com, etc. DNS ties your domain to your ip address, and DNS records are what domain or subdomain leads you where. When creating DNS records, you have to choose what type of record your using, A records tie ipv4 addresses to a domain, e.g. . You usually want to be using these. AAAA records are the same but they tie ipv6 addresses to a domain, e.g. 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 and are used more rarely. CNAME records tie a domain to another creating a redirect, like when you go to x.com it redirects to twitter.com There are a few more but they are more niche and aren't as important for a simple website. When choosing where to tie that record to, you can either write a string, like maybe "blog" which ties the given ip to blog.example.com and you can tie to the apex domain by writing @ which would tie the given ip to example.com, doing this still allows you to use subodmains though.